Plan a Visit to The Harvest Church
Get to Know Us
One of the things that our church is known for is the wonderful teaching from our pastor. He has an exceptional gift of taking what may seem like complicated topics in the Bible and explaining them in ways that we can all understand. You can follow the link below to browse our sermon library and see for yourself.
Our ultimate goal is for everyone at Harvest Church to feel comfortable and confident in their ability to read and understand the Bible. If you don’t own a Bible, we’d love to give you one. Please stop by Guest Services and ask. You can also download a Bible app to your phone for easy access. Yes, that’s why all the people sitting around you have their phones out during the service. They’re not texting! Well, most of them aren’t. 😉

Service Times and Location
Our church campus is located at
Sunday 10:45 am
Tuesday 6:00 pm
When you enter the church parking lot, someone from our Guest Services Team will be directing traffic. We have special parking spots reserved for our guests. If you will put your flashers on when you enter the parking lot, the parking team will direct you to a prime area reserved for first-time guests.
From the first-time guest parking, the closest entry door is the main door marked by the large blue Harvest Church sign.
Once you enter through the main doors, you will see a kiosk immediately to your right marked “GUEST SERVICES.” You don’t have to stop there unless you have questions or require assistance. But if you do, and identify yourself as a first-time guest, they’ll have a special gift for you.
Where do my kids go?
Why do I have to register my kids?
Can’t I just take my kids into the service with me
What’s a Service Like?
Our services typically last about 70 minutes.
- The service will begin with about 15 minutes of music led by a live band. The words of the songs will be projected onto large screens. Many people will sing along and you can too. Participate as you feel comfortable. We use music as a way of expressing our love for God and appreciation for what He has done for us.
- There will likely be a few times that one of the leaders will pray during the service. You might be asked to sit or to stand up during those prayers. We’ll always make sure you know exactly what to do and we won’t leave you guessing.
- One of our pastors will teach a lesson from the Bible. Our goal is to help everyone understand the Bible and to apply it to their lives. The teaching will be practical and challenging, and hopefully will inspire you in your personal pursuit of God.
- On some occasions we may have baptisms [link to page] during the service. Other times we celebrate communion together. At every service, we’ll have a host who will explain what’s happening during the service so that there are no surprises whatsoever.
- At the conclusion of our service each Sunday we take an offering of financial gifts. This offering is for those who call Harvest Church their home church. As our guest, you’re not expected to give any money. That decision is totally up to you. We have been blessed with many opportunities to serve the needs of our community, and through the generosity of our church members, we can meet those needs. You are welcome to join in God’s work at Harvest Church as you feel you’re ready.