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Guiding the Flock: The Harvest Baptist Church Leadership Ministry

Welcome to the Leadership Ministry at Harvest Baptist Church, a group of dedicated individuals committed to shepherding our congregation, nurturing spiritual growth, and guiding the church in its mission. Our Leadership Ministry plays a pivotal role in maintaining the spiritual health and vibrancy of our church community. Join us as we explore the heart of our Leadership Ministry.

Our Mission

The mission of the Harvest Baptist Church Leadership Ministry is to:

  1. Provide Spiritual Guidance: We offer spiritual leadership, support, and pastoral care to our congregation, helping individuals grow in their faith.

  2. Maintain Church Direction: Our ministry helps shape the vision and direction of the church, ensuring alignment with our core values and mission.

  3. Foster Unity: We seek to create a unified and loving church community where all members feel valued, heard, and spiritually nurtured.

Ministry Roles and Responsibilities

Our Leadership Ministry is comprised of a team of dedicated leaders, each with unique roles and responsibilities:

  1. Pastor: The pastor provides spiritual leadership, delivers sermons, and offers pastoral care to the congregation.

  2. Elders: Elders assist in shepherding the church, providing spiritual guidance, and supporting the pastor in making important decisions.

  3. Deacons/Deaconesses: This group focuses on practical aspects of church life, including helping with worship services, community outreach, and providing care to members in need.

  4. Church Board: The board helps with administrative decisions, financial matters, and ensuring that the church’s activities align with its mission and values.

Why Connect with Our Leadership Ministry?
  1. Spiritual Guidance: Our ministry is here to provide spiritual support, guidance, and care as you navigate your faith journey.

  2. Community Involvement: Engage with a caring community of leaders who are passionate about serving the church and its members.

  3. Spiritual Growth: Access resources and opportunities for personal and communal spiritual growth.

  4. Church Vision: Contribute to shaping the vision and direction of our church community.

Join Us Today!

We invite all members of our congregation to engage with the Harvest Baptist Church Leadership Ministry. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, have ideas to contribute, or wish to become more involved in church leadership, there’s a place for you here.

To learn more about our Leadership Ministry’s activities, meetings, and ways to connect or start a new ministry, please contact Pastor Charles G. Chandler at (318)757-0107.

Come, connect, and grow with us as we lead and nurture our Harvest Baptist Church family on our spiritual journey. We look forward to walking alongside you in faith!